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Plant Engineering and Machinery Division [Plasticity field] (Bending roll):Bending Method [KURIMOTO, LTD.]

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Plant Engineering and Machinery Division [Plasticity field] (Bending roll):Bending Method

Advantages of the Newly Developed 3-Roll System

Post-rolling welding and assembly processes are significantly shortened.

1. Are you really satisfied with your 4-roll bending machine?Bending Method

Are you really satisfied with your 4-roll bending machine?
Conventional 4-Roll Bending Process
Conventional 4-Roll Bending Process
The Problem:
  • Straight sections always remain at the leading and trailing edges of the rolled sheet.
  • While an experienced machine operator can partially correct these straight sections, no machine yet has been able to eliminate them completely.
Kurimoto's New 3-Roll Bending System

The Kurimoto's sytem uses a top roll that changes position during the bending operation to produce leading and trailing edges formed to almost 100% perfect curves. The result? A rolled form with almost perfect concentricity - right down to the edges. How is it done? A computerized control system continually sets both the height and horizontal position of the top roll during the bending process. It's all automatic, so anyone can operate the machine.

Concentricity check after bending shows almost 100% accuracy in the cross section of the curve.

Kurimoto's New 3-Roll Bending System Kurimoto's New 3-Roll Bending System
Post processes after conventional 4-roll bending
Post processes after conventional 4-roll bending
Process is finished
Processes required after Kurimoto 3-Roll Bending:
Processes required after Kurimoto 3-Roll Bending